Emergency Repairs

To report an emergency repair, phone 0161 786 6000 and select option 1

If you have an emergency, we will attend on the same day or within 24 hours of you reporting the repair. 

An emergency is something which could cause danger to your health or safety or serious damage to property.

Examples of emergency repairs include:

  • Uncontrollable leaks or ones affecting electrical fittings
  • Making your home secure
  • Total loss of heating in winter months (between 1 Nov and 30 Mar)
  • Total loss of electrical power (where your supplier is not responsible)
  • Unsafe power, lighting, sockets or other electrical fittings
  • Faulty fire alarms
  • Blocked drains
  • Smashed windows
  • Dangerous structural faults

If you think you have a gas leak or can smell gas, leave the house and phone the National Gas Emergencies number immediately on 0800 111 999. If you're at home, and you can do it safely, turn off your gas supply. The gas mains tap should be beside your gas meter.