Our next scrutiny session for tenants and support is on Monday 24th February 2025 at 1pm on Microsoft Teams, if you would like an invite please click here

Hello Welcome to Bespoke Supportive Tenancies

We are a dedicated charitable Community Benefit Society, specialising in providing homes for people with support needs across England and Wales. We started our journey in 2010 and are proud to home over 1200 people with a wide range of needs and abilities.

Whether you want to live in supported accommodation or independent living, you are in safe hands with us. We can adapt homes to meet your needs and provide you with a choice of where you want to live, offering a bespoke service that fits you.

We work closely with our tenants and their families, local authorities, support providers and various partners to ensure we deliver the best service. We work with external support providers which are nominated by the local councils, they will work with you to develop your support plan and care package to your requirements.

We provide a 24hr quality repairs and maintenance service and housing management to ensure you get the help and support you need.

Change lives, it's what we do!

What We Do


“Hold my hand and walk with me. We must break the back of social inequity; We must empower every individual with a disability, to live with dignity in an inclusive society”

William E. Lightbourne.